
【簡単翻訳!】グラフィックを学んでいた高校時代、私はアートの情報を探すのには苦労していました。そこで私はFacebookで世界中のアーティストの情報を得ていたのですが、大学1年生の時に出会ったMatteoという友達から”Behance”と呼ばれるアート版Facebookを教わりました。最新のデザイントレンドを知るのはもちろんのこと、自分自身の作品を紹介し仕事を得る機会だって得ることができるのです。 また、Matteoのおかげで、私はクリエイターがリアルな場に集まるイベントBehance Portfolio Reviewにも参加しました。ローカルなコミュニティをBehanceのコミュニティにつなぐことを目的にしながらも、作品をレビューしあい、多くのアーティストやデザイナーに出会い、世界とつながる良い機会。みなさんもぜひチェックしてみてください!

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When I studied graphic design in high school, I realized knowing art trends and art information are very important, but unfortunately art magazines and art information are rare and outdated in normal libraries. So I started to use Facebook to collect information and pictures from artists I found all over the world. You can find a lot of information and amazing art works easily on Facebook, even though Facebook is mostly for your social life.
I met Matteo in first grade at university and I learnt about an art version of Facebook called “Behance” from him. Behance is a network of sites and services specializing in self-promotion, including consulting and online portfolio sites and is owned by Adobe.
Behance is to artists what Facebook is to friends, but it’s more than just an online portfolio website. You can keep up with the latest art and graphic design trends, upload your works so you can get artistic feedback and even find job opportunities.

Behance portfolio review

Luckily, thanks to Matteo I know that Behance Japan’s local Tokyo community holds Portfolio Review events twice a year in Japan. The mission of the Behance Portfolio Review is to create events and stimulate creators to share and connect in person, leading to various opportunities. It aims to consolidate the website’s thriving community into local artistic communities by these real-world events. It also encourages creators to take advantage of the Behance platform and to promote creators overseas outside of Japan. This time I have joined Portfolio Review #6 as a creator. This means I can share my art works to reviewers and meet a lot of artists and designers. Getting feedback from reviewers plus knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your works are the best part of this activity. Behance’s portfolio review is a free activity and also a great opportunity to share your works to the world. If you are interested in participating, please check the official website of Behance!

top image : http://matteomorelli.net/

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ケン リ / Ken Lee

Taiwanese, living in Japan Musashino Art University Oil Painting Department